House and creative space, Ciofliceni Ilfov

NameHouse and creative space
LocationCiofliceni, Ilfov
FunctionResidence + workshop
HeightGround floor + 2 floors + Attic
Area823 sqm

House and creative space, Ciofliceni Ilfov

The initial concept for this project was inspired by the vernacular development commonly found in the countryside. In many rural households, constructions appear over time as a response to emerging needs rather than from an initial comprehensive plan. This organic growth often results in a unique architectural character that we sought to emulate in our design.

We aimed to create a cohesive and unitary house composed of several distinct bodies, each with different functions. This approach emerged after numerous discussions, meetings, and proposed solutions with the client, who was deeply involved in the design process. Their engagement was crucial in shaping the final outcome, ensuring that the house met their specific needs and desires. Read more

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