
Architecture and General Design

Architecture involves both creativity and construction. For this reason, the architectural projects …

Design si amenajari interioare
Interior Design

Each project is evaluated in relation to the needs and desires of each client, the time, and the allocated budget…

Models and Presentations

Regardless of whether we are talking about renderings, 3D modeling, models, or animations, all represent a transition…

Coperta consultanta si expertize
Consultancy and Expertise

Starting from a careful analysis of past experiences, we describe different investment scenarios…

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About us

Who We Are and What We Can Achieve for You

Collaboration is essential – Architecture is one of the main means by which we relate to the world around us, to our natural environment and all its attributes, and also to the people around us. It filters and mediates our experience and becomes a stage on which our life unfolds.

Balance – Whether it is a calm sense of proportion or a dynamic balance, it gives a richer experience of life.

Order – The meticulous arrangement of all the details, starting from the concept phase down to the smallest elements that will be materialized, leads to a result that feels „right,” looks „right,” and supports creativity.

Filosofia noastra

Architecture is about responsibility and requires full commitment to its realities and fantasies, to its complex and complicated process, because it influences the lives of those who experience it.

Architecture should connect the people who live in it with the people who create it, culture and nature with materials and technology, to ultimately produce beneficial experiences.

We start each project with the idea that architecture and the built space represent a „server” where everyday stories and memories are uploaded safely. We want these memories to be beautiful ones, also because our work as architects contributed to them.

We are engaged in reality, we believe in it, but we always think of possibilities to bring value to future realities.

Mobilier realizat de atelier 13 in Imobilul restaurat de pe strada Ion Slatineanu
Coperta experienta internationala Dubluvstudio

International experience

Like any company, we have our own story and background that define us.

Before establishing the office, Marius Velicu and Adriana Velicu studied at the „Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism in Bucharest. During this period, Marius Velicu spent one year studying at DIT in Dublin, Ireland, while Adriana Velicu spent three years studying in Aix-en-Provence, France.

After this period, in 2004, Marius Velicu worked at one of the most prestigious international architecture offices in Ireland, Murray Ó Laoire Architects.

In 2011, they won 1st place in the international Art Urban contest in France, coordinating a team of students in a competition that included 20 countries and over 200 teams.

Since 2014, the office has been involved in various restoration, construction, and interior design projects in Austria, Portugal, and Germany.

Since 2018, Marius Velicu has also been a member of OA (Ordem dos Arquitectos) in Portugal.

Our team

Arhitect fondator Marius Velicu al biroului dubluvstudio


arhitect; fondator
Arhitect urbanist fondator al biroului dubluvstudio

Adriana VELICU

urbanist; fondator
Membru al echipei dubluVstudio Calin Barut


Arhitecta Alexandra Baciu in biroul dubluVstudio

Alexandra BACIU


Theodora POPA



Membru al echipei dubluvstudio


office manager


social media manager

    Ways to contact us.

    Our working hours are Monday to Friday / 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM.


    14 Pache Protopopescu Boulevard

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